Bags Of Money was first launched in 2003 and was our first foray into Internet Marketing. The website has been badly neglected due to other interests, but we have listened to our subscribers and have decided to update the website.

Derek and Sally Robson, with the help of their son, Clinton, are all successful, South African Internet Marketers and have created a string of blogs and websites, all part of Dersalsites.

First, like any move, we needed a new home and we are happy to join thousands of other happy people here at Yola.

Second is a new look. Like a coat of paint, we need to renew and revise content.

Third is some new attraction. We need to have something to attract visitors, so look out for the gifts.

Finally, we will invite friends and neighbours over to visit us at our new home, so until then, we have lots of work to do.

We look forward to meeting you!